educational systems design 

Consulting and course development on educational systems design based on ecological principals for educational administration and leadership.

  • Developing a Masters level online course in Educational Systems Planning for a Master of Arts in Higher Educational Administration and Leadership for Royal Roads University.


Consulting and course development using ecological principles and metaphors to develop effective sustainability communication for undergraduate and graduate students as well as professionals in the workplace.

  • Developed and teach an online course in Foundations for Environmental Education for the School of Environment and Sustainability, Royal Roads University.


Consulting and course development exploring the roots of unsustainability and how we transition to a sustainable future.  The dominant mechanistic worldview and various myths of nature that influence how we respond in the world are explored; and how ecological principles and metaphors can be used to develop a sustainability perspective incorporating management, leadership, and evaluation. This is appropriate for undergraduate and graduate students as well as professionals in the workplace.

  • Developed and teach Developing a Sustainability Perspective for the School of Environment and Sustainability, Royal Roads University.